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DAP lying about hudud, says Nik Abduh

DAP lying about hudud, says Nik Abduh


KUALA LUMPUR: Pasir Mas MP Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz has accused DAP of lying with regard to the party’s bid to implement hudud in Kelantan and using the Islamic penal code as an excuse to oust PAS from Pakatan Rakyat.
“I feel that DAP is lying to the people to eject PAS from the pact by using hudud as an excuse. I have told them personally not to make this an excuse for us to break up,” Nik Abduh told reporters at Parliament lobby, Tuesday.
He said the enforcement of hudud, which was part of the amendments to the Kelantan Syariah Enactment II (1993) 2015, was “not in any way draconian”.
“We all know that hudud is not draconian. If it is, by all means, we can break up. The question is: is it draconian? Malaysians don’t seem to think so,” he said.
DAP had earlier said that it was severing ties with PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang whom it described as “dishonest” and “dishonourable” for pursuing the enforcement of hudud in Kelantan.
Nik Abduh said DAP was also being dishonest with its statement as the decision to ostracise Hadi gave a different signal.
“They can’t single out one person in the party because Hadi represents PAS in Pakatan Rakyat. What they say has a double meaning.
“From what I understand from this is, they want to pressure PAS from within to reject Hadi. I want DAP to explain this further,” he said, adding that hudud was not about individual’s, but part of PAS’ policy.
Nik Abduh also said telling Hadi to leave Pakatan was akin to asking the party to leave the pact.
“But we are maintaining the fact that we will not leave Pakatan, because we love Malaysia and unity, in the name of freedom and democracy. That’s why PAS exists in the coalition,” he said.

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